We have received inquiries regarding the proper citation of our articles. Therefore, we are delighted to present this guide to citing tilburg.ai articles. When citing our sources, please use the following APA-style template
Author name (Publication Date). Title of the Article. Tilburg.ai. link
For example:
Ten Tije, M. (2024, July 19). Effective ChatGPT Prompts for All Your Writing Needs. Tilburg.ai. https://tilburg.ai/2024/07/effective-chatgpt-prompts-for-writing/
Use the following procedure:
- Start the reference with the surname(s) and initial(s) of the author(s).
- Provide as specific a date as possible.
- Thereafter, State the title of the article (in italics).
- Capitalize the first word of the title, major words, and proper nouns.
- After the title, provide the name of the site. In our case Tilburg.ai.
- End the reference with the URL.
- Do not include a period after the URL

The title, author, and publication date of each article can be found both within the article itself and on the front page of our website.